
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Arm Race

The Evolutionary Arms Race Remember the ablaze(p) mogul in Alice in Wonderland? >A slow sort of commonwealth!, verbalize the Queen. Now here, you see, it takes all the running you dissolve do to time lag in the same place. If you want to buzz off somewhere else, you must(prenominal) run at least twice as solid as that. Microbes and humans ar locked in a changeless evolutionary arms race to each one facial nerve expression must continually evolve in repartee to evolutionary changes in the other Leigh forefront Valens Red Queen hypothesis says that beings are unlucky to extinction if they cant keep pace with evolutionary changes in the organisms they act with Van Valen thinks that coevolution in response to changes in other organisms is crimson more critical than evolution in response to changes in the physical environment And I think hes probably right, especially where our coevolution with microbes is c one timerned Coevolution shapes our relatio nship with the microbic world Coevolution occurs when an evolutionary change in one organism leads to an evolutionary change in another organism that interacts with it Each side must match the other, advantage for advantage Its the ultimate higher(prenominal) stakes poker patch the stakes are bread and butter and death!
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We thought we were winning that game in the 1940s, convey to penicillin This new magic bullet would remedy us once and for all from our microbial foes Penicillin is produced in personality by the fungus kingdom in the genus Penicillium It was the wonder do drugs of the day - and i ts discoery was a happy accident Sir Alex! ander Fleming is commonly credited with discovering penicillin in 1928 But Ernest Duchesne actually beat Fleming to the poking by over thirty years Duchesne was a french medical student at lEcole du Service de Santé Militaire de Lyon (the military Health Service domesticate of Lyon, in France) The story goes that he happened to notice that the Arab stable boys, at the Army Hospital stables, were by design storing their...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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