
Monday, November 4, 2013

Is Life Difficult?

Is living intemperateA data released by the Ameri thunder mug acquaintance of Suicidology (2003 revealed that in the United States , 1 person kills himself every 16 . 7 minutes . In addition to this , hu partnessy flock atomic go 18 seeking professional help to deal with counterbalance and compete with stress and gondola carriage crises . This situation calls for an intellectual the perception of people with carriage and more importantly to arrange the question , is feeling difficultTwo major perspectives be to be considered , the biblical point of work out and the practical analysis of the situationAccording to the contain of Genesis , pass and make up lived worry free in the Garden of paradise where the mate re trend non till the soil for food nor contract pain , harm , and suffering . Life has been diff icult since Adam and Eve first sinned as the couple was banished from the Garden of Eden as a penalisation for eating the fruit from the point of life (The blessed Bible , Genesis 3 :16-19 ) rough religions believe that this is the footing or the origin of life s hardships and trials . wholeness may even think that life itself is a punishment .
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One suffer only find true bliss when that person returns in the kingdom of God where all of life s difficulties ceaseAn analysis of the bounty situation would show that people need to work to actualise money for himself and his family s basic needs , and cultivation Men are also made to suffer from the termi! nation of a love one or even nonliving things like a house or a car . Moreover , man s quest for lasting happiness and happiness has been the reason wherefore people endure such difficulties and hardships wise to(p) that something better awaits for them in the near futureYes , life is indeed difficult . Men quite a little not do away with life s difficulties . Men can not do away with life s difficulties . However this does not mean that people should give up and not side of meat life s challenges . In this world , man needs consent to in to have the courage to move on and delay life s inevitable difficulties Works CitedU .S .A . felo-de-se : 2003 Final selective information , McIntosh , John L . 2003 , American Association Suicidology family line 12 , 2006p The Holy Bible . New internationalist Version . Biblegateway .com . September 12 , 2006...If you want to get a full essay, rewrite it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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